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Some people eat peanut butter sandwiches without the jelly. Others think Cher was better without Sonny.
But "The Jerry Springer Show" without fights? Could that be possible?
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Some people eat peanut butter sandwiches without the jelly. Others think Cher was better without Sonny.
But "The Jerry Springer Show" without fights? Could that be possible?
"Star Wars" has been in theaters for two days now. Is anyone still counting? Die-hard fans have probably already memorized the movie and are currently petitioning for title roles in the next installment.
The rest of us, "Star Wars" fans or not, have moved on with our lives. The movie was good, the special effects and sound were excellent, but there are other things to do, like clean the bathroom or raise porcupines.
Fold out a brown cardboard box.
Add five strips of tape - three long ways, two short ways - to the bottom.
Stack a layer of canned goods, maybe some baby food and toiletries, followed by a layer of clothes or towels or another random packing item.
Seal the box with five more pieces of tape, load it and be ready for another.
Crawfordsville residents weren't moving, but they were following a recipe for others who were. No one really knew who they were helping, but the cars of goods rarely stopped last weekend at the Hoosiers Helping the Heartland drive.
Most people probably think Crock-Pots, stoneware slow cookers, are about as interesting as clothes hangers. They take up space, are decorated with small vegetable pictures and stand out like a drunk at a frat party.
But the real question concerning the cookware is — how come everything you put in a Crock-Pot always tastes like ... a Crock-Pot?
There's nothing worse than people complaining about a product because it works too well.
For instance, there's glue. Try using that stuff that holds elephants from a trapeze by their teeth. If you accidentally glue the elephant's ear to the swing, the immobile animal will be stuck forever.
Another example is plastic wrap. You try to wrap something in it, but the stuff just clings together. Being persistent, you try to unwrap it. But the static forces that bind the universe won't allow a simple tug to do the trick.
Katie Richardson of Buzz Magazine in Champaign, Ill., compares "The Developers" to a couple of classic books in her recent review of the novel.
"This is a must for anyone who really dug "1984" or "Brave New World" but also likes to surf the net from time to time, preferably with the idea in the back of your head that Big Brother could be watching," Richardson wrote.
I don't recall exactly how I found this, but the longest single word domain (without hyphens) is If you don't believe me, click on the name and it will tell you as much.
Let me stop you first before you begin reading this brief story. This isn't a tale about how a 6-year-old became so good at the video game "Guitar Hero" that he is now joining the Led Zepplin revival tour.
While "Guitar Hero" is an option for someone who is mildly interested in the guitar, it's not going to be a "Stairway to Heaven" and teach actual chords and music. A Fretlight Guitar, however, could be the answer to teaching yourself how to play.
Maybe starting a new feature with an acronym of GAC isn't the best idea, but that's all I have for now.
The Good Advice Committee will come to you on a regular basis, possibly weekly. A lot of it depends on whether or not the committee members are up to it, and it also assumes we have questions each week as well. The purpose of the GAC is to examine and determine sensible advice, which could be about technology, relationships, etc.